引用本文:苏 静1,2.空间关联视角下连片特困地区农民收入增长的影响因素分析——基于武陵山区66个县域数据和空间杜宾模型的实证[J].财经理论与实践,2017,(6):125-130
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苏 静1,2 (1.湖南省洞庭湖生态经济区建设与发展协同创新中心湖南 常德 4150002.湖南文理学院 经济与管理学院湖南 常德 415000) 
中文关键词:连片特困地区  空间溢出  农民收入  影响因素  SDM
An Analysis of Influencing Factors of Farmers' Income Growth in Clustered Destitute Areas from the Perspective of Spatial Relevancy: The Panel Data of 66 Counties in Wuling Mountain Region and Spatial Durbin Model
Abstract:This paper analyzed the influencing factors of farmer's income growth in clustered destitute areas from the perspective of spatial relevancy based on the panel data of 66 counties in Wuling Mountain region and Spatial Durbin Model. The results show that: there is significant spatial correlation effect in farmers' income in clustered destitute areas. Financial development promotes the farmers' income growth within the county, but did not produce obvious spatial spillover effects between different counties. Economic foundation and investments promoted the local farmers' income growth significantly and had a notable positive spatial spillover effects between different counties. Economic foundation's indirect effect is greater than direct effect on promoting the farmers' income growth, this is contrasting with the effects of investments. Government intervention promotes the farmers' income inside the county and has produced significant negative spatial spillover effects in immediate vicinity. Industrial structure has produced significant negative spatial spillover effects on the farmers' income growth in immediate vicinity. Human capital has not marked impacts on farmers' income growth.
keywords:clustered destitute areas  spatial spillover  farmers' income  influencing factors  Spatial Durbin Model
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