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梁向东1,魏逸玭2 (长沙理工大学 经济与管理学院湖南 长沙 410014) 
中文关键词:产业结构升级  人口流动  人口分布
A Research on the Upgrading of Industrial Structure and Chinas Population Mobility
Abstract:Based on the data of 255 cities in China from 2000 to 2014,the paper analyzes the influence of industrial structure upgrading on the spatial distribution of population in China.The results show that the impact of industrial upgrading on urban population inflow is negative as a whole,which exacerbates the irrational distribution of population.The underlying reasons are: the role of the service sector in the flow of population has not been played;the labor income of the transfer labor force is low;it is difficult to bear the flow cost of the whole family;and household registration system and other policy restrictions raise the migration costs.This paper argues that accelerating the development of modern service industry,promoting the diversification of big cities,specializing small and medium sized cities (towns),optimizing regional industrial division of labor,improving labor income,reducing the implicit policy constraints on population movements and so on,could promote the orderly and effective flow of population,and improve the distribution of population in China.
keywords:upgrading of industrial structure  migration  population distribution
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