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艾永芳,佟孟华,孙光林 (东北财经大学 经济学院 辽宁 大连 116025) 
中文关键词:公司战略  财务欺诈  大股东持股
Corporate Strategy,Major Shareholders and Financial Fraud
Abstract:This paper uses A share listed companies from 2001 to 2015 in China’s capital market as the sample,and empirically analyzes the relationship between corporate strategy and financial fraud. It comes to the results as follows:firstly,the corporate strategy has a significant influence on financial fraud; the more radical of corporate strategic positioning,the more likely the companies financial fraud occurs; furthermore,and after a series of robustness tests,the result remains valid. Secondly,improving the shareholding ratio of strong shareholders could strengthen the “supervision effect” of major shareholders to managers,which will improve enterprise internal supervision efficiency,thereby inhibiting the impact of the corporate strategy on financial fraud.
keywords:corporate strategy  financial fraud  major shareholders
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