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刘美芬1.2,谢永珍1 (1.山东大学 管理学院山东济南 250100 2.齐鲁工业大学 金融学院山东济南 250100) 
中文关键词:高管更替  政治背景  市场反应
Research on Market Reactions to the Political Connections of Executives’ Successors: Evidence from Chinese Security Market
Abstract:Based on the assumption of the efficiency of capital market,using a sample of 611 CEO turnover events in the listed Chinese firms between 2011and 2015,the paper analyzes the stock market reaction to the political connections of executives’ successors. We document significantly positive cumulative abnormal returns when CEO succession is accompanied with increased political connections. The study has found that political background of executives’ successors will produce a positive market reaction. We also show that the market reaction to political connections is significantly stronger for external successors,while it is significantly weaker for firms in high tech industries. Our findings suggest that Chinese investors do value political connections and investors’ valuation of political connections is conditioned on successor origin,industry,and other factors.
keywords:CEO succession  political connection  market reaction
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