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唐建荣,姜翠芸 (江南大学 商学院江苏 无锡214122) 
中文关键词:物流业  保险业  哈肯模型  协同发展
Research on Synergetic Development Between Logistics and Insurance Based on Hawking Model
Abstract:Based on the synergetic theory, the order parameter indicators of logistics and insurance are selected to measure the development of the industries during 2004 to 2013, and the collaborative degree model and Hawking model of logistics-insurance system are built to measure the synergy degree of the logistics-insurance system, then explore its evolution process, dynamically reflect the relationship of the logistics and insurance industries. The empirical results show that there is a synergy effect between the logistics industry and the insurance industry, but the logistics-insurance system has not yet reached the equilibrium steady state. The relative lag of the logistics-insurance market has an inhibiting effect on the development of modern logistics. To promote the synergetic development between logistics and insurance, we should reshape mutual trust chain, innovate marketing ideas, regulate the market environment, improve risk warning systems and create wisdom logistics insurance platform.
keywords:logistics  insurance  Hawking model  synergetic development
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