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张左敏,孔庆峰 (山东大学 经济学院山东 济南250100) 
中文关键词:融资约束  银行信用风险  商业信用Heckman模型
On the Impact of Financing Constraints on Enterprises to Export Heckman Validation: A Perspective of Bank Credit Risk
Abstract:This paper studies the impact of financing constraints of export of enterprises based on balanced panel data from China's Industrial Enterprises Database from 1998 to 2014 from the perspective of the bank credit risk internal rating. The results show that bank credit financing constraints, have significant negative correlation relationship with export intensity and enterprise decision-making. At the same time, Heckman two-phase model studies turn out that the influence and mechanism of different forms of commercial credit to the enterprise decision-making and export strength changes with the location of the supply and demand side of enterprise. Moreover, enterprise export decision only has a significantly positive effect on commercial credit of demand side with no significant effect on export strength. Commercial credit of supply side has a significantly negative correlation with the intensity of enterprises export.
keywords:financing constraints  bank credit risk  commercial credit  Heckman model
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