银行背景董事与可转债融资: 中国的证据
引用本文:王良成,姜慧妮.银行背景董事与可转债融资: 中国的证据[J].财经理论与实践,2017,(1):88-94
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王良成,姜慧妮 (四川大学 商学院,四川 成都610065 ) 
中文关键词:银行背景董事  可转债  审核  经营业绩
Directors from Bank and Convertible Bond Issuing: Chinese Evidence
Abstract:The paper investigates the impacts of directors from Big Five state-owned commercial banks and other banks on convertible bond issuing in China. Based on the applicants of convertible bond of Chinese listed firms from 2003 to 2012, the results show that directors from Big Five banks have no effect on the approval of convertible bond from government, but directors from other banks have significantly positive effects. However, directors from both Big Five banks and other banks have no contribution to the post-issue operating performance. The finding indicates that directors from other banks exercise their expertise role, not the monitoring role, and directors from Big Five banks never fulfill both roles in convertible bond issuing.
keywords:directors from bank  convertible bond  approval  operating performance
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