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翟永会 (1.河南师范大学 商学院河南 新乡4530072.河南大学 新型城镇化与中原经济区建设河南省协同创新中心河南 开封475004) 
中文关键词:经济增长  公司效率  Grange因果关系检验  脉冲响应函数
Securities Company's Efficiency and Economic Growth:Theory Framework and Empirical Study
Abstract:Given the special nature of the securities industry, the securities company's efficiency has always been separated from the research of relationship of economic growth and financial development. This paper examines the efficiency and role of macroeconomic growth for securities company's micro-efficiency. That the theoretical framework for economic growth affects the efficiency of the securities firm has been established by absorbing and learning the existing theories based on the actual situation in China. The evidence of economic growth not conducive to financial development and securities company's efficiency has been obtained. The fiscal decentralization, institutional and political centralization and extensive mode of economic growth are the deep-seated reasons. The efficiency of securities companies can be enhanced by reforming unreasonable fiscal income distribution system and local officials assessment promotion system, moderate reduction in the economic growth target, and achieving economic growth mode from extensive to intensive operation.
keywords:economic growth  companies' efficiency  Grange causality test  impulse response function
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