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肖加元 (中南财经政法大学 财政税务学院湖北 武汉430073) 
中文关键词:跨区域水资源  单向外溢  演化博弈  生态补偿
Evolutionary Game Theory between Local Governments under Single Direction Spillover of Public Goods: A Case Study of the Water Resouce Ecological Compensation across Regions
Abstract:As typical public goods, the water resource has typical spillover feature, and its spillover is toward single direction. The contradiction about the ecological compensation of water resource between upstream and downstream local governments becomes more and more intense. Based on the evolutionary game theory, the paper analyses the game activities and factors that influence the activities. The result shows that the factors that influence if upstream and downstream local governments can come to an agreement are punishment quantity of upstream and downstream local governments, ecological compensation of downstream government to upstream local government, and cost of upstream local governments. To solve the issue of water resource ecological compensation, high-level government should pay more attention to these four factors besides the benefit of downstream government from water resource protection.
keywords:water resource across regions  single direction spillover  Evolutionary Game Theory  ecological compensation
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