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苗连琦,刘春燕,胡亚敏,王淑云 (1.江苏师范大学 商学院江苏 徐州2211162.中国人民银行 郑州中心支行金融研究处河南 郑州450002) 
中文关键词:公共经济权力变异  国家审计  道德作用机制  权力监控
State Audit on Supervision of Public Economic Power Operation--A Study Based on the Moral Dimension
Abstract:National Audit shows the supervisory control to appropriateness of public economic power operation in terms of the nature, function, or a practical perspective. It is undeniable that public economic power variation is the projection made by moral failure to the social political and economic fields if we trace deep and spreading roots of it. However, the moral monitors public economic power by means of its unique action mechanism. This paper presents the foundation of the liaison conference system which consists of the Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, the National Audit Office to strengthen moral education of all citizens starting with children, assisting CCDI mining the essence of traditional family house rules, vigorously safeguarding social fairness and justice to breed moral and carrying out ethics audit as framework mechanisms to make sure that national audit can play a positive role by means of moral in the course of public economic power supervisory control.
keywords:public economic power variation  national audit  moral action mechanism  power supervisory control
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