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廖义刚,林婷,邓贤琨 (江西财经大学 会计发展研究中心/会计学院,江西 南昌330013) 
中文关键词:地市级官员变更  政治不确定性  股价同步性  企业辖区知名度
Official's Turnover, Regional Reputation of Enterprises and Stock Price Synchronicity
Abstract:Based on samples of A-share listed firms in China from 2009 to 2013, this paper investigates the relationship between official's turnover, regional reputation of enterprises and stock price synchronicity. The results show that the political risk and policy uncertainty brought by municipal officials' change can significantly reduce the stock price synchronicity of firms in their jurisdiction. Moreover, in terms of officials' local change and non-change, officials' non-local change will reduce the stock price synchronicity of firms in their jurisdiction more significantly. Furthermore, we include regional reputation of enterprises in the analytical framework and find that when municipal officials change, with respect to the enterprises with higher regional reputation, the companies with lower regional reputation will disclose more private information to deal with political uncertainty risk, thereby reducing its stock price synchronicity.This conclusion can further confirm that the increase of political uncertainty risk will significantly reduce the stock price synchronicity of firms within their respective jurisdictions, improve the information content of stock price.
keywords:municipal official's change  political uncertainty  stock price synchronicity  regional reputation of enterprises
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