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赛铮 (中南财经政法大学 法学院湖北 武汉430073) 
中文关键词:保险公司  破产重整  行政权  司法权  权力均衡
The Balance of the Executive Power and the Judicial Power in the Insurance Company Restructuring
Abstract:Insurance company restructuring program is a multi-power participating and gaming process. How to handle the relationship between the executive power and the judicial power is essential for the success of insurance company reorganization. The current phenomenon which exists in our insurance company restructuring proceedings is the expansion of the executive power and contraction of the judicial power. To achieve a reasonable allocation of the power structure, attention should be paid to the balance between the executive power and the judicial power. In the insurance company restructuring proceedings, it is proposed to adopt the mode of executive power to be substantial decision while the judicial power to be the final ruling. Only in a reasonable resolved relationship between the executive power and the judicial power, insurance company bankruptcy restructuring can achieve a multiplier effect.
keywords:insurance company  restructuring the executive power  judicial power  power balancing
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