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林钟高,陈俊杰 (安徽工业大学 商学院安徽 马鞍山243002) 
中文关键词:终极控制人性质  内部控制缺陷  缺陷修复  企业风险
Nature of Ultimate Controller, Deficiencies in Internal Control and Business Risks
Abstract:Base on the A share quoted companies in China from 2008 to 2014,this paper tries to study how the ultimate controlling environment affects the relationship between the deficiencies in internal control and the business risks at the transition economic environment. Results show that the greater deficiencies in internal control; the higher the degree of business risks. But the bug fixes can significantly reduce business risks; further after the introduction of the ultimate controller attributes and hierarchies found in relation to private enterprises, state owned enterprises have the degree of risk of internal control weaknesses significantly smaller, but compared to central government owned enterprises, local government owned enterprises are more prone to risks, especially in high level areas of poor environmental management and risk propensity, the significantly higher level of risk of local state owned enterprises. Studies have shown that in the transition economic environment, the different nature of ultimate controller leads to internal control deficiencies, has a different impact on business risk, and provides empirical evidence on transforming to government functions, deepening the reform of state owned enterprises into mixed ownership, and the state owned enterprises to create a truly independent body to withstand market risks. But this study also further remind people of the importance and urgency to strengthen internal control building, make the internal control effective and really play the role that the internal control can be made immune to risks.
keywords:Nature of ultimate controller  Deficiencies in internal control  Bug fixes  Business risks
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