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熊艳 (山东财经大学 会计学院山东 济南250014) 
中文关键词:强势企业  政治关系  应计盈余管理  真实盈余管理
The Strong Enterprises, Political Relations and the Way of Earnings Management
Abstract:The earnings management is divided into accrual earnings management and real earnings management. This study found that the stronger companies had relatively higher real earnings management and lower accrual earnings management than the weaker ones, using a sample of Shanghai and Shenzhen A Share listed companies between 2009 and 2013. The stronger companies with political relations had higher accrual earnings management than those without political relations. Due to the concealment of earnings management, the strong enterprises makes the strong performances stronger.
keywords:Strong company  Political relations  Accrual earnings management  Real earnings management
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