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刘建湘,单汨源 (湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:研发开放度  组织学习  管理创新绩效  技术创新绩效
A Study of the Relationship between R&D Openness and Firms' Technological Innovation Performance: the Mediating Role of Organizational Learning
Abstract:The degree of R&D openness directly determines the possibility of a firm to acquire heterogeneous knowledge from external environment. Systematic learning of heterogeneous knowledge determines whether a firm can apply the knowledge for innovation output. This paper puts forward a conceptual model which delineates the correlations among R&D openness, organizational learning and innovation performance by integrating the potential mediating role of organizational learning. The empirical analysis of a sample of 312 firms in Hunan, Guangdong and Zhejiang indicates that both R&D openness and organizational learning are positively correlated with firms' innovation performance and organizational exploration learning mediates the association between R&D openness and innovation performance.
keywords:R&D openness  organizational learning  managerial innovation performance  technical innovation performance
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