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张嘉兴,余冬根,刘艳春 (1.天津财经大学 商学院天津3002222.河北工业大学 廊坊分校河北 廊坊065000) 
中文关键词:公司声誉  审计师声誉  权益资本成本  民营公司
Corporate Reputation, Auditor Reputation and the Cost of Equity Capital--An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Listed Private Companies
Abstract:By taking A-share listed private companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges from 2009 to 2013 as research objects, this paper examines empirically the relation among the auditor reputation, the corporate reputation and the cost of equity capital. The results show that the auditor reputation and the corporate reputation respectively has significant negative correlation with the cost of company's equity capital by controlling other conditions. Besides, further study finds that as the corporate reputation is established gradually, the influence of the auditor reputation on the company's equity capital cost will be gradually weakened, in another word, the corporate reputation has a substitution effect on the auditor reputation. The findings expand the research of the auditor reputation and corporate reputation mechanism, and provide a valuable reference for the future corporate governance of private companies.
keywords:corporate reputation  auditor reputation  cost of equity capital  private company
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