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傅绍正,毕晓方,张俊民 (天津财经大学 商学院天津300222) 
中文关键词:事务所组织形式  盈余管理  IPO折价  有限责任制  特殊普通合伙制
The Legal Structure of Audit Firms, Earnings Management and IPO Underpricing
Abstract:The change of the legal structure of audit firms increase auditors' wealth at risk from litigation damages and increase the audit value. This paper examines the relationship between audit firm legal structure and IPO earnings management/IPO underpricing. We find that IPO firms audited by limited liability partnerships have lower upper earnings management and lower underpricing. The results indicate that auditors strengthen the constraints on earnings management behavior and improve the efficiency of IPO pricing after the change in the legal structure of audit firms. The change in the legal structure of audit firms has a positive governance effect in IPO market.
keywords:legal structure of audit firms  earnings management  IPO underpricing  limited liability  limited liability partnerships
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