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喻胜华,张静 (湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:消费  Lasso方法  BP神经网络  预测
The Study on Prediction of Residents Consumption Expenditure based on Lasso and BP Neural Network
Abstract:On the basis of variable selection, created a multivariate prediction model based on the combination of Lasso method and BP neural network ,and prediction of China's urban and rural residents consumption expenditure. The prediction results showed that:the combination of Lasso method and BP neural network prediction accuracy is higher than that of the BP neural network,the Lasso method,the results also showed that in 2014-2020 years, the growth rate of rural residents consumption has improved,the consumption of urban residents increased slowly, the gap between urban and rural consumption rate showed a downward trend,but the gap between urban and rural consumption is still difficult to ease in the short term.
keywords:consumption  Lasso method  BP neural network  prediction
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