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顾海峰 (东华大学 旭日工商管理学院上海200051) 
中文摘要:在分析银保协作与可选择性风险转移(Alternativ Risk Transfer,即ART)保险的内在逻辑基础上,进一步分析ART保险实现银行信用风险转移的内在机理,并以此为依据设计银保信贷系统的ART保险机制。结果表明,ART保险可以有效分担银保信贷系统的信用风险,降低银保信贷系统的风险运营成本,提升银保信贷系统的运营效率,并实现商业银行信用风险转移目标。可见,推行银保协作型信贷模式,对于治理信贷配给,从而提升信贷市场效率具有重要意义。
中文关键词:银保协作  ART保险  商业银行  信用风险  转移
Cooperation between Bank and Guarantee,ART Insurance and Bank Credit Risk Transferring
Abstract:Credit-loan mode of cooperation between bank and guarantee exists great significance to credit rationing and enhance credit-loan market efficience. This paper analysizes the logic between cooperation between bank and guarantee and ART insurance, and further analysizes the mechanism to ATR insurance fufiling bank credit risk transferring, on basis of which, it designs ATR insurance mechanism of bank and guarantee credit-loan system. This paper research result shows that ATR insurance can share credit risk for bank and guarantee credit-loan system, and reduce risk operation costs of bank and guarantee credit-loan system, and elevate operation efficience of bank and guarantee credit-loan system, and fufil bank credit risk transferring goal. This research result will offer important theoretical guidance and decision-making reference.
keywords:Cooperation between bank and guarantee  ART insurance  Commercial bank  Credit risk  Transferring
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