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吴成颂,唐伟正,钱春丽 (安徽大学 商学院, 安徽 合肥230601) 
中文关键词:薪酬管制  冗员负担  正常在职消费  超额在职消费  企业绩效
Institutional Background, Perks and Company Performance——The Evidence from Stock Market
Abstract:Using the data of Shanghai A-share listed companies in manufacturing from 2008 to 2013, and dividing perks into normal parts and excess parts, this study found: the compensation regulation system and labor redundancy have significant positive correlation with senior manager's excess perks. Besides, excess perks will significantly impair company's performance, while normal perks is able to significantly improve the performance of the company, this means the key point of connecting perks' agency theory and efficiency theory is a reasonable "degree". Through further study, we also found that currently the binding power of senior manager's excess perks mainly come from the company's internal governance and external political factors, the degree of marketization failed to produce a significant effect.
keywords:Compensation regulation  Labor redundancy  Normal perks  Excess perks  Company performance
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