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郭哲,旷丽琼 (湖南大学 法学院, 湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:烟草行政执法  裁量权  法律规制
China's Tobacco Legal Regulation of the Administrative Discretion in the Rule of Law
Abstract:As regulations of tobacco industry and tobacco market laws and administrative rules give China's tobacco administrative authorities the role of managing and regulating the national tobacco market order. At the same time, in order to perform their duties according to law, tobacco law enforcement can give the enforcement authorities a range of administrative discretion. But due to reasons such as legislation, law enforcement and supervision, China's tobacco administrative law enforcement exists many problems in the exercise of discretion. How to promote administrative discretion, to prevent its abuse, has become an important problem in the rule of law in the construction of China's administrative law enforcement in tobacco industry.
keywords:Tobacco administration  Discretion  Legal regulation
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