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杨卫平,唐达 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:车险业务  经营绩效  熵值法
Performance Evaluation of Chinese Auto Insurance Business A Case Study of Hunan Branch of a Property Insurance Company
Abstract:The vast majority of property insurance businesses comes from auto insurance, and thus the performance of auto insurance business affects property insurance company's operating performance, or even the stabilization and healthy development of the entire insurance industry. 17 specific indicators were selected from four aspects, i.e.,underwriting,claims,renewal and financials, to build an auto insurance business performance evaluation system for validity. Auto insurance business performance level index of a property company's Hunan Branch is calculated to evaluate its business operations.The results show that the company's financial indicators accounts for the maximum weight impacting insurance business and the comprehensive car insurance index has an upward trend,which signifies a good operating condition.
keywords:Auto insurance business  Operating performance  Entropy
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