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刘焱,张胜强,田甜 (辽宁大学 商学院辽宁 沈阳110036) 
中文关键词:企业生命周期  过度投资  投资不足  影响动因
The Motivation of Inefficient Investment under the Perspective of Corporate Life Cycle
Abstract:The paper examines the motivation of inefficient investment from the perspective of business dynamic development, based on the sample of 2009-2012 A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges. The results show that: A company's over-investment in growth and maturity stage is caused by the conflict of manager agent; over-investment in state-owned enterprises in recession stage is caused by major shareholder proxy conflicts; over-investment in non-state-owned enterprises in recession stage is caused by both manager agency conflicts and major shareholder agency conflicts; under-investment of listed companies in growth stage is caused by financing constraints; under-investment of listed companies in maturity and recession stage is caused by both financing constraints and the two types of agency conflicts, and non-state-owned companies face more financing constraints than state-owned companies.
keywords:Corporate life cycle  Over-investment  Under-investment  Influence motivation
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