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陈迪红,王书珍 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:税收递延  企业年金  经济分析  敏感性分析
An Analysis on American Tax Deferred Annuity and its Implication
Abstract:With an aging population,the tax deferred annuity has become a focus. This paper chooses American tax deferred annuity as the research sample. By using ordinal utility and consumer equilibrium theory, its micro economic effects are analyzed for the first time, combined with risk factors, wages and contribution period, etc. Then, given the income tax conditions of the United States, this article evaluates the income effect of each annuity mode and the sensitivity of parameters such as wage, contribution, investment income, and compares the parameters'effects on the personal savings. The results show that :(1)the American EET tax-deferred mode is the best one in exempting the corporate and personal income tax, which can increase personal savings;(2)the sensitivity of contribution period is the strongest, the investment rate and wage follow in sequence and the contribution rate lacks sensitivity. Therefore, based on China's conditions, the paper suggests establishing EET mode, extending the contribution period, relaxing threshold and investment, and establishing examination. These findings could provide advice for the pattern and design of China's tax deferred annuity.
keywords:Deferred tax  Annuity  Economic analysis  Sensitivity analysis
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