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李祥云,徐晓 (中南财经政法大学 财政税务学院,湖北 武汉430073) 
中文关键词:学前教育投入  地区差异生均经费
An Empirical Study on the Provincial Gap of Investment in Early Childhood Education: an Empirical Analysis of Provincial Data
Abstract:Using the 2002~2011 panel data of China's 31 provinces, we calculate the Gini coefficient difference in per student expenditure of preschool education. From the change of Gini coefficient, we can see that since the implementation of the three-year plan in childhood education, the central financial investment in preschool education promotes fair development of preschool education. Furthermore, on the basis of establishing the econometric model, we analyze the reasons of differences in the level of investment in preschool education, and put forward some suggestions to reduce the regional differences and promote the fair development of preschool education.
keywords:Preschool education  Educational funds  Provincial gap
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