引用本文:何颖媛, 刘贯春.两因子随机死亡率状态空间模型及长寿风险测度[J].财经理论与实践,2014,(5):24-28
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何颖媛, 刘贯春 (1.中南大学 商学院湖南 长沙4100832. 长沙学院 工商管理系, 湖南 长沙410085) 
中文关键词:状态空间模型  卡尔曼滤波估计  Bootstrap仿真  长寿风险
A Two Factor State-space Model for Stochastic Mortality and Longevity Risk Measurement
Abstract:To model the fitting and forecasting stages of traditional CBD method jointly, we formulate a state-space framework, and use the Kalman filtering technique to estimate it. Further, considering the small sample characteristics of mortality data, we propose an approach to measuring longevity risk by combining Bootstrap simulation and portfolios of life annuities. Specifically, longevity risk includes micro-/macro-longevity risk, and parameter risk. Empirical results of Chinese mortality show that the new model is superior to the traditional CBD model in terms of model explanation power, estimation accuracy and normal distribution tests for errors. The expansion of annuity portfolio can eliminate the micro-long evity risk, but it cannot eliminate the macro-longevity risk and the parameter risk.Meanwhile, the macro-longevity risk dominates the non-removable risk.
keywords:State-space model  Kalman filtering  Bootstrap simulation  Longevity risk
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