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惠建军,高晓燕 (天津财经大学 经济学院天津300222) 
中文关键词:场外交易市场  法律监管制度  设计博弈
An Analysis on the Design of China's OTC Market Legal Supervision System in the Perspective of the Game Theory
Abstract:This article carried out an analysis of the OTC market supervision system, transaction system, information disclosure, market access in the perspective of game theory. It suggested that China's OTC market legal supervision system design should improve the legal status of the OTC market firstly, define the market access and exit criteria for the main market participants reasonably, formulate information disclosure system which adapt to the characteristics of the OTC market, introduce market-making system prudently, set up a smooth mechanism for transition to main securities exchanges, and adopt flexible, dynamic regulations.
keywords:OTC Market  Legal Supervision System Design  Game Theory
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