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冯韶华,张扬 (南开大学 中国公司治理研究院天津300071) 
中文关键词:关联交易  融资约束  控股股东  资金占用  内部资本市场
Fund Embezzlement of Related Party Transactions and Resource Allocation of Internal Capital Market
Abstract:In the existing literature, the fund embezzlement of related party transactions is used to represent tunneling behavior of large shareholders. But in the perspective of resource allocation of internal capital market, the fund embezzlement behavior will improve the resource allocation efficiency. Using the related party transactions data of Chinese A-share listed firms from 2009 to 2011, the empirical analysis tests the relationship between fund embezzlement and financing constraints, and operating environment uncertainty. The result confirms the resource allocation hypothesis of internal capital market.
keywords:Related Party Transaction  Financing Constraints  Controlling Shareholder  Fund Embezzlement  Internal Capital Market
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