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宋玉臣,李楠博 (吉林大学 数量经济研究中心暨商学院吉林 长春130000) 
中文关键词:科技创新型企业  创业板  融资效率  数据包络分析
A Research on Financing Efficiency of Technological Innovation-oriented Enterprises Listed on GEM
Abstract:After analyzing the financing efficiency of technological innovation-oriented enterprises listed on GEM,this paper finds that different enterprises have tremendous differences, and the cause for financing inefficiency are also different. This phenomenon requires technological innovation-oriented enterprises' reform of the internal capital flow, at the same time, building a reasonable financing structure according to their specific circumstances. The regulatory authorities, should not seek listing the innovation-oriented enterprises on GEM only, and strengthening supervision over the listed enterprises is also equally important.
keywords:Technological Innovation-oriented Enterprises  GEM  Financing Efficiency  DEA
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