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王军杰,申莉萍 (四川大学 法学院四川 成都610207) 
中文关键词:城乡统筹  成渝实验区  农业补贴  法律规则
Study on Legal Problems of Agricultural Subsidy Mechanism in Context of Urban and Rural Overall Planning Development——An Empirical Analysis of Chengdu-Chongqing Experimentation Area
Abstract:China has come to the historical stage in which industry nurtures agriculture development,since the abolition of agricultural tax and the implementation of the system of agricultural subsidies in 2006. Urban and rural overall planning development is a “close-up” of the stage. The first approved Chengdu-Chongqing Urban and Rural Comprehensive Reform Pilot Area is a typical and representative model. The nearly 7 years practice shows that Chengdu and Chongqing must give the pilot policy to its full play, and take advantage of the experience of the developed members agricultural subsidy system to optimize the structure of agricultural subsidy, improve the system of agricultural subsidies, and overcome the defects of inflexibilty and fragmentation of the subsidy mechanism in order to promote the development of rules for the strategy of urban and rural overall planning development and the implementation of the urban and rural overall planning strategy on a national scale.
keywords:Urban and rural overall planning development  Chengdu-Chongqing Experimentation Area  Agricultural subsidy  Legal rules
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