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吴秀尧 (中国政法大学 法和经济学研究中心,北京100088) 
中文关键词:行为法经济学  上市公司  强制信息披露
Mandatory Disclosure and Regulatory Measures for Listed Companies from Perspective of Behavioral Law and Economics
Abstract:The legal system and regulatory framework of China's mandatory information disclosure of listed companies in terms of contents, time, formats, risk factors and supervision measures exhibits some problems, making it difficult to deal with this new form of market failure, i.e. “behavioral exploitation” and not good for protecting the minority investors characterized by bounded rationality and “new investors” in the real world. It should be improved by a more modest type of regulation, i.e. “nudging” on the basis of “debiasing through law” strategy from the perspective of behavioral law and economics as well as the traditional strategy of “improving law based on biases”. .
keywords:Behavioral law and economics  Listed companies  Mandatory information disclosure
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