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课题组 (湖南大学 经贸学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:技术创新  评价指标  性价比  相对价格水平
Economic Evaluation Index of Technological Innovation Status
Abstract:Level of profitability and investment intensity of enterprise in technological innovation are positive indicators for evaluation of technological innovation under competitive conditions. The lowest market price formed in market competition, which can fully compensate for the cost of technological innovation and get an adequate rate of return, can be used as an economic evaluation index when the social welfare brought about by technological innovation achieves its maximum. The improvement rate of performance-price ratio of the commodities reflects the speed of technological innovation. The relative price level of goods and the absolute price level reflect the status of its potential for technological innovation.
keywords:Technological innovation  Evaluation index  Performance-price ratio  Relative price level
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