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张伟,朱孔来 (1.山东财经大学 统计学院,山东 济南250002
2.中国人民大学 统计学院,北京1000872
3.济南大学 管理学院,山东 济南250022) 
中文关键词:CPI  固定篮子  抽样设计  权数确定  单位价值
Research on Theoretical Framework of CPI——Defects of and Remedies for Fixed Basket Price Index
Abstract:The “fixed basket” index theory is still the main framework for compiling CPI throughout the world, but it is shown through China's CPI compiling practice that the assumptions of the compiling method is theoretically flawed, and there exist defects in the sampling design, weight determination and calculation formula. In this paper we sought to propose remedies to improve the validity and reliability of the CPI.
keywords:CPI  Fixed Basket Index  Sampling design  weight determination  Unit value
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