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潘永明,仝云丽 (天津理工大学 管理学院 天津300384) 
中文关键词:银行贷款  信用担保  网络联保  博弈
An Innovative Research on Network Co-guarantee Financing Based on Guarantee Mechanism
Abstract:Commercial banks are wary about lending to SMEs for risk consideration due to the serious information asymmetry between SMEs and banks arising from SMEs' unattractive scale, poor management and inadequate information disclosure. Network co-guarantee loan is a new path to SME financing solution and banks lowering loan risk. But with weak internal and external constraints, enterprises tend to choose strategic default, thus making the network co-guarantee financing mechanism a failure and bringing great losses to banks. To reduce risks for banks, this paper introduced a credit guarantee mechanism into the network co-guarantee financing model, which effectively lowered the probability of SMEs' strategic default.
keywords:Bank loans  Credit guarantee  Network co-guarantee  Game
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