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李勇军,黄柏青 (1.天津商业大学 公共管理学院,天津300134
2.长沙理工大学 设计艺术学院,湖南 长沙410114) 
中文摘要:文化创意产业的兴起是知识化、信息化和全球化的结果,被赋予了许多新的使命,它具有高固定成本投入与低再生产与复制成本、需求的不确定性等经济与政治属性。围绕“创意→ 投入 →生产 →销售→最终消费者购买”这一基本产业链过程,逐渐形成了一个融合市场、科层和网络治理机制的组织网络。这一网络围绕文化产业链、生态和政治与地理空间的展开会有更为具体的网络形态,并形成多级网络构成。
中文关键词:文化创意产业  组织网络  治理
Study on Cultural Creative Industry Value Chain and Its Organization Network Constitution
Abstract:The rise of cultural creative industry which has been given more missions is the result of knowledge economy, informationization and globalization. The Industry has economic and politic features such as high fixed cost investment, low reproduction and replication cost. The organization network which mix together market, hierarchy and network mechanism has been gradually come into being surrounding the basic chain of creating→input→Producing→sale→consumers' final purchase. The development of the network centered on cultural industry chain, ecological, political and geographical space has more specific network patterns and multi-level network constitutions.
keywords:Cultural Creative Industry  Organization Network  Governance
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