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王良成 (四川大学 商学院,四川 成都610065) 
中文关键词:替代  互补  应计盈余管理  真实盈余管理
Accrued and Real Earnings Management: Substitutional or Complementary
Abstract:The relationship between accrued and real earnings management in a transitional economy with weak institutions is investigated by using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2001 through 2010. Unlike the developed economies, the findings show that there is dual relationship, namely substitutional and complementary, between accrued and real earnings management in China's stock market. The firm's competitive status in the industry incurs the relative costliness between accrued and real earnings management, which makes them substitutional.
keywords:Substitutional  Complementary  Accrued Earnings Management  Real Earnings Management
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