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赵婧,黄泽先 (1.中国金融出版社 金融文化研训院北京1000712.中国人民银行 金融研究所北京1008003.长沙理工大学 经济与管理学院,湖南 长沙410014) 
中文关键词:股指期货  助涨助跌效应  联动性
An Empirical Study on Effect of Stock-Index Futures on Stock Price Change in China
Abstract:This paper systematically analyzes the interaction between Chinese stock market and its futures market using E-G cointegration test of two-step, VECM, VAR model, Granger causality test, Impusle function and Variance decomposition. The empirical evidence reveals that there is a long-term equilibrium between the stock index futures and the spot stock index, and that the excessively short-term fluctuation of the stock index can lead to weak correction by the long-term no-equilibrium error, and that the index of the stock market can lead the index of the index futures of the stock market when the market is impacted by certainty information; and the index of the index futures of the stock market can lead the index of the stock market when the market is impacted by uncertainty information.
keywords:Stock-Index Futures  Effect on Stock Price Change  Relationality
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