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刘超,吴明文,马玉洁 (1.山东财经大学 金融学院,山东 济南250000) 
中文关键词:同业拆借  利率市场化  复杂网络  基准利率  金融危机
A Study on Features of Interbank Market Based on Complex Network Theory——For Data Around Financial Crisis(2007~2009)
Abstract:Using the complex network analysis and selecting relevant data of the chinese interbank market in 2007~2009 during the financial crisis, we build an interbank lending network for empirical research on the interbank market. We find that interbank Market possesses the small-world and scale-free characters. Meanwhile, the Interbank interest rate shows the stability and marketability which belong to the Benchmark interest rate.
keywords:Interbank  Interest Rate Marketization  Complex Network  Benchmark Interest Rate  Financial Crisis
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