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巩娜 (上海立信会计学院 会计与财务学院上海201620) 
中文关键词:民营企业  股权激励计划  研发投入  外部环境  内部环境
A Study on the Relationship Between Equity Incentive Plan of A Private Listed Company and the R&D Input
Abstract:The paper analyzed the effect of the equity incentive plan on the corporate R&D investment of a private listed company from the aspects of external environment and internal environment using 3 SLS regression models and DID model bases on the sample of private listed companies during 2008~2011. In this paper, we found that the equity incentive plans of private enterprises can promote enterprise's R&D. The equity incentive plans of private enterprises in high-tech industry can strengthen the positive effect. Based on an analysis of the equity incentive scheme, we found that the validity of the incentive plan has a weak correlation with R&D. And the use of non-financial indicators in vesting conditions has a positive effect on the enterprise R&D investment. But the relative performance indicators in vesting conditions have an inhibitory effect on the R&D investment.
keywords:Private listed company  Equity incentive plan  R&D input  External environment  Internal environment
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