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谭庆美,景孟颖 (天津大学 管理与经济学部天津300072) 
中文关键词:管理层权力  Tobin’s Q  内部治理机制
The Impact of Managerial Power on Firm Performance:A Perspective of Internal Governance Mechanisms
Abstract:Based on the date of Chinese listed firms, this paper investigates the impact of managerial power on firm performance and the impacts of internal governance mechanisms on the managerial power-firm performance sensitivity. The results show that the internal governance mechanisms have a significant effect on managerial power-firm performance sensitivity. There is a significantly positive relationship between managerial power and firm performance at 1% level when the effects of internal governance mechanisms are ignored. The managers who own stake, or have higher education background, may improve firm performance. There is a positive correlation between power and firm performance only at 10% level considering the interaction between internal governance mechanisms and managerial power, the managerial power has significantly positive impact on firm performance in firms with lower equity balance ratio and higher board independence.
keywords:Managerial power  Tobin's Q  Internal governance mechanisms
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