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吴卫星,沈涛,任小璨 (对外经济贸易大学 金融学院北京100029) 
中文摘要:自我效能是影响投资者决策的重要心理变量,依据中国家庭金融微观调查数据,运用传统的logit回归、Fama-French序贯排序列表、倾向得分匹配方法(Propensity Score Match ,简称PSM)检验自我效能对投资者参与的影响程度,结果显示自我效能对投资者参与有显著的正向影响。自我效能的定义涉及排序区域的选择,基于不同的排序区域给出了自我效能的7种不同定义,发现在不同定义下自我效能对投资者参与的正向影响均为显著。
中文关键词:自我效能  投资者参与  家庭金融  倾向得分匹配
Self-efficacy and Investor Participation in Stock Market
Abstract:Self-efficacy is an important factor influencing an investor's decision.This paper tried to study the effect of self-efficacy on investor participation with Chinese household finance survey data. This paper used Propensity Score Match, logit regression and Fama-French method to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy and participation. The result showed that the effect of self-efficacy on investor participation is significantly positive. Because the definition of self-efficacy relies on the selection of ordered zone, the paper gave seven different definitions and found that under different kinds of definition self-efficacy has positive influence on investor participation.
keywords:Self-efficacy  Investor participation  Household finance  Propensity Score Match
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