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巴曙松,刘精山,黄文礼 (1.中国科学技术大学 统计与金融系,安徽 合肥230026
中文关键词:货币反替代  汇率  资产价格  SVAR模型
The Impact of Anti-substitution of Currency on China's Exchange Rate and Asset Prices:A Perspective of the Process of RMB Internationalization
Abstract:With the advance of RMB internationalization, the anti-substitution of RMB is growing rapidly. This phenomenon must have an impact on China's exchange rate and asset price. Based on SVAR model, the paper studies the impact of anti-substitution of RMB on the RMB exchange rate, equity price and real property price, using impulse response and variance decomposition with monthly data during the 2005~2013.The empirical evidence shows that the anti-substitution of currency produces an “amplification effect” to the RMB exchange rate, and that the anti-substitution of currency has far greater influence on real estate market than on the stock market.
keywords:Anti-substitution of RMB  RMB exchange rate  Asset prices  SVAR model
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