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梁向东,贺正楚 (长沙理工大学 经济与管理学院湖南 长沙410014) 
中文关键词:现代服务业  消费结构  实证分析
(School of Economics and Management, Changsha University of Science & Technology,Changsha410014,China)
Abstract:The consumption structure changes and the development of modern service industry, has been analyzed using the stepwise regression, the Granger causality analysis and other methods. It is found that existing correlation between the relatively lag in modern services and the consumption structure. Modern services should be adjusted in order to optimize the consumption structure. Thus, the development in the rural consumption is a new impetus to the modern service industry. The government should increase investment in public services, and pay attention to education, culture and entertainment development.
keywords:Modern services  Consumption structure  Empirical analysis
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