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郭其友,万大艳 (厦门大学 经济学院经济系福建 厦门361000) 
中文关键词:粮食价格  农业成产成本  农民收入  VAR模型
The Empirical Research on the Food Prices, the Cost of Agricultural Production and the Income of Farmers based on VAR Model
Abstract:Calculated after the impulse response functions, it is found that when the prices of the agricultural production rise along with the food prices, partially or completely offset the increase of farmer's income caused by the preferential policies. Granger causality test shows that grain prices, farmers ' income are Granger cause. Therefore, agricultural means of production prices rise must be controlled within a reasonable range. And suggestions about strengthening construction of circulation system of agricultural production have been proposed.
keywords:Food prices  Agricultural production costs  Farmers income  VAR model
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