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胡秀群,吕荣胜,曾春华 (1.天津大学 管理与经济学部天津 300072 2.海南大学 经济与管理学院海南 海口5702283.天津理工大学 管理学院天津300384) 
中文关键词:过度自信  现金股利  控股股东股权性质  融资约束
Executives Overconfidence and Cash Dividend Payment: From External Financing Constraint
Abstract:Based on the data of Chinese A share listed companies during 2007~2011, the effect of external financing constraint on the relation between executives overconfident behavior and the company's cash dividend payment has been investigated. The results find that: There is significant negative influence between executives overconfident behavior and corporate cash dividend payout tendency and payout level, but the negative effect holds only for non-state controlled companies. Further researches show that external financing constraint has a significant impact on the relation between executives overconfidence and the company's cash dividend payment. The negative effect of executives overconfidence on the company's cash dividend payment may be alleviated by improving the external financing environment.
keywords:Overconfidence  Cash dividend policy  Ownership of controlling shareholder  Financing constraints
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