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陈迅,赖纯见 (重庆大学 经济与工商管理学院,重庆400044) 
中文关键词:有限理性  纳什均衡  博弈论  混沌
An Analysis on the Dynamic Complexity of the Game between Government and Real Estate Developers with Bounded Rationality
Abstract:The dynamic game model between government and real estate developers is built with bounded rationality, based on the regional governmental act of land price controlling .The complexity of the model is tested through theoretical analysis and simulation. The results show that the Nash equilibrium of the game of regional land price, house price and production and sales quantity of houses shall achieve through repetitive dynamic game with bounded rationality, on condition of imperfect information. When regional government supervises and controls the land price by the way of keeping a close eye on house price with fixed ratio, the equilibrium price of regional house will be determined by the land price control decisions of the government. And the ratio of land price per floor area to house price will be constant if the land market and house market are both equilibrium, thus the adjustment ratio of land price to house price should be no more than 2 times of the ratio of max land price to the max house price. The real-estate construction cost and the governmental tax on developing both restrict the land price adjustment and affect production and sales quantity and prices of the real estate industry, but the regional government can realize regulation and controlling of the land market and real-estate market by DFC (Delay Feedback Control).
keywords:Bounded rationality  Nash equilibrium  Game theory  Chaos
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