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聂萍,汤洋,杜碧莹 (1.湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙410082
2.武汉理工大学 经济学院,湖北 武汉430070) 
中文关键词:XBRL财务报告  鉴证框架  XBRL财务报告元素
The Assurance Framework of Financial Report Using XBRL: From the Perspective of Elements of Financial Report
Abstract:From the perspective of the elements in financial report, this paper constructs the assurance framework of financial report using XBRL, which consists of general objective, specific objective and managers' assertions. Based on the assurance framework, the two-way tracing method has been used to find several errors in the financial report using XBRL. Therefore, it is important to promote the implementation of general taxonomies and the establishment of industry-based extended taxonomies. Moreover,it is also important to strengthen the manual quality verification of financial reports using XBRL and to perfect the internal control of preparation process.
keywords:Financial report using XBRL  Assurance framework  The elements of financial report using XBRL
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