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杨湘豫,程利 (湖南大学 数学与计量经济学院,湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:黄金市场  单位根检验  Granger因果关系检验  GARCH模型
The Fluctuation of Gold Index and the Dollar Index based on GARCH Model
Abstract:Recently, the fluctuations in the gold market and the dollar market are big,but the directions of fluctuations are different. Using the empirical method, such as unit root test, ARCH effect of the inspection and GARCH model analysis and granger causality test, the result show that the GARCH(1,1)is the most suitable for the prediction of gold market fluctuation, while the GARCH(2,1) is the most suitable for the prediction of dollar market fluctuation.
keywords:The gold market  Unit root test  Granger causality test  GARCH model
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