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马亚明,姚磊 (1.天津财经大学 金融系天津3002222.中国滨海金融协同创新中心,天津300222) 
中文关键词:财富效应  状态空间模型  居民资产  居民消费
The Wealth Effect of Stock Market and Real Estate Market in China: An Empirical Study Based on the State Space Model
Abstract:In the paper, the state space model and impulse response functions have been used to analyses the time-varying characteristics of the wealth effect of stock market and real estate market. It is found that in the long term the stock market has the stability of tiny negative wealth effect, and the estate market has the stable positive wealth effect. The wealth effect of real estate is larger than the stock. At the same time, the outbreak of European debt crisis at the end of 2011 almost has no effect to these two kinds of markets' wealth effect. At last, the policy recommendations have been put forward about gradually increase stock returns of dweller, maintain operation about the real estate market price smoothly, and strive to improve the income level of resident.
keywords:Wealth effect  State space model  Resident assets  Consumption
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