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王海萍 (广东金融学院 工商管理系广东 广州510521) 
中文关键词:两级供应链  零售商主导  供应商博弈  产品替代率
Analysis of Different Game Structures in A Two Stage Retailer-dominant Supply Chain
Abstract:In a two stage retailer-dominant supply chain, different structures of game can produce different influences on the price of products, suppliers' profit, retailer's profit, and the whole supply chain's profit. When suppliers have balanced power and make decisions at the same time, the wholesale price and the retail price of products are lower than that when suppliers are power imbalance and don't act at the same time. In this situation, the suppliers' profit decreases while the profit of retailer and the whole supply chain increase. This conclusion is useful for the retailer to select suppliers. In addition, when the rate of product substitution is increasing, the wholesale price and the retail price of products will cut down, so does the suppliers' profit. However, retailer's profit will rise while the whole supply chain's profit keeps steady. It indicates that the variation of the rate of product substitution just changes the profit distribution of the supply chain members.
keywords:A two stage supply chain  Retailer dominant  Suppliers' game  The rate of product substitution
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